Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I started keeping a journal about a year ago. It really made a difference in a lot of things. I could keep myself accountable, spew out all of my thoughts and feelings, and basically when I talk I can visualize my thoughts more clearly.

I now keep five journals all for different purposes. The first is my "fluff" journal which chronicles the insignificant details of my daily life The second is a book of things which people say to me that I want to remember--something funny, something kind, something that made me think. The third is boring but necessary--it's school, daily assignments, stuff for class. The fourth is probably the most fun--it is my list book. I love to make lists. I make lists of everything I think of inside that book. Some are serious like "10 things I need to work on in order to strive further for life and godliness" and "10 things I must not screw up in the future. Some are not so serious like "10 things which I have drawn on that are not made out of paper" and "10 things I would consider tattooing on my body". The last one is my serious journal. This one is filled with all of my thoughts about God and myself. It is the chronicle of my spiritual growth and the explaination of my convictions as well as my examination of the things which happen in my daily life.

It is my intention, to put pieces from this fifth and most precious journal here.

I stopped sharing myself with people because I was getting hurt. So I rolled myself all up inside and stopped giving. I can't do that anymore. I've been blogging for a while now, but never gave my URLs to anyone I know. But I want to use this. I'm making myself vulnerable again and inviting you to look at my life and my thoughts.

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